This is an old science fiction novel which has again become relevant today. Indeed, forty years ago, an American writer told a story about a deadly virus from China called Wuhan 400. This virus is transmitted from person to person and causes serious complications, including pneumonia. Moreover, the events take place around the year two thousand and twenty. In the center of the plot there is a woman, who has lost her son. She is carrying out her own investigation trying to find out if he really died. The reason is she often receives mysterious messages. These messages hint that the poor mother does not know the whole truth. During the investigation, she gets to a military factory, where a mysterious biological weapon appeared.
Tags: fantasy drugs disaster journey government sorrow horror suicide misery accident tragedy fiction technology society doctor thriller science mystery poison magic escape health future
Hard words: rammed, pinnace, mopping, unoiled, homed, propelled, spaced, sputtered, flocked, lagniappe, topsail, harbored, blanketed, pursued, telekinetic, iciness, mellowing, soldiering, pacing, caressing, soundproofing, grimacing, sulphurous, subsided, indecisively, clouding, murkily, faking, fumbled, grandiosely, fattened.